Our Programs
Our curriculum is designed to help your child develop an appreciation of his/her uniqueness and a sense of wonder concerning the world God has created.
In developmentally appropriate ways, your child is introduced to kindergarten readiness skills in language, math, reading, and science.
Our setting provides a warm and caring environment where children are helped to develop skills needed to interact with others in positive ways.
PreK and Daycare:
Little Lambs classes take place from 8:30 am - 11:00 am for parents who wish their child to take part in a school setting.
Children do not need to be enrolled in daycare to be part of our PreK program.
Before and After School Care:
Children who consistently need care before or after PreK hours should be enrolled in Little Lambs Day Care.
This program is designed for the working mother/father who finds herself/himself needing more hours of care.
The Day Care Center is open from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm daily, Monday to Friday.
No weekend care is available.